Flood Management in Clonmany

July 2020 – Like many parts of Inishowen and the North West, Clonmany village was badly effected by the flood of August 2017. Many residential homes, business premises and lands were inundated with significant damage to the economy and well being of the local population. But flooding is Clonmany is not a new issue. Flooding happens frequently in the low lying areas and with climate change and the prospect of more frequent and larger storms, the need to find solutions is becoming more urgent.

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After the August 2017 flood, the Inishowen Rivers Trust embarked on an investigation into the potential of using natural measures to alleviate flooding. These are variously known as natural flood management, nature based solutions, natural water retention measures (See Flood Management page). A study completed by Irish flood expert Prof. Mary Bourke, Trinity College Dublin and colleagues, has looked at what measures are suited to the local area of Clonmany. This study was launched in February 2020 and an Executive summary can be downloaded here.

The IRT are now in a position to apply for funding to implement these nature based measures but the collaboration of the local community is essential. Working together to design and implement these types of measures is essential to the success of such a project. The Trust invite the community to come together to discuss historical flooding in Clonmany from the main rivers (Clonmany and Ballyhallan) and their tributories and to learn more about nature based solutions.

The community event will be held in Clonmany Community Centre on Thursday 23rd July 2020 @ 7.30pm. This is a free, open meeting and will feature a presentation by Prof Bourke and an opportunity to ask questions and contribute to the discussion. Due to Covid 19 restrictions, there will be a limit on the number of people allowed at the venue. Please register your interest using the details below.

To register and for more information:

Eventbrite:  https://irt-clonmany.eventbrite.ie

FB: www.facebook.com/inishowenriverstrust

Email: [email protected]

Tel:  Trish on 087 6478183

The scoping project completed by Prof Bourke and her Mega Floods team was kindly funded by the OPW.