Tree Planting in Inishowen on National Tree Week

The Inishowen Rivers Trust celebrated National Tree Week by bringing together volunteers, local school children, at the invitation of Green Sod Ireland to preserve and protect our biodiversity and rivers in Inishowen. 

Green Sod Ireland site at Meenletterbale.

The Inishowen Rivers Trust marked National Tree Week with a collaborative effort involving volunteers, local school children at the invitation of the team of Green Sod Ireland, as they began their journey to restore a plot of ground at Meenletterbale near Kinnagoe Bay.

The Long Glen River runs into the bay and in times past a wooded corridor of hazel bordered the river, some of which remains near the bay.

The native trees we planted have root systems that will eventually bind the soil, providing stability to the riverbanks of the Long Glen. These trees will intercept rainfall and protect the banks from runoff originating from short grass further uphill.

The outdoor classroom experience on Thursday was exciting for the 3rd-grade students of Scoil Eoghan, sparking their curiosity, engagement, and ideas for supporting nature and the river.

Janet and Jennie from Green Sod Ireland requested the support of the Inishowen Rivers Trust to plant hundreds of native trees in land gifted to the charity by the Sisters of Mercy. Over two fresh and dry March days we planted hazel, rowan, scots pine, and alder along the Long Glen river. This river, as the pupils of Scoil Eoghan Moville’s 3rd class learned, faces challenges with sediment due to runoff from grasslands during heavy rainfall and the past encroachment on the river bank of grazing animals.

For Green Sod Ireland, who will be managing this site for the best for nature and biodiversity, the native trees, planted by the school children from Moville and the volunteers of the Inishowen Rivers Trust, will provide habitat for a variety of wildlife species.

On Friday, the Inishowen River Trust volunteers brought their own wealth of knowledge and local expertise in native tree planting to add to the efforts of Janet and Jennie from Green Sod Ireland. The trees planted will reap rewards for biodiversity, water quality and wildlife for many years to come and for the school kids and volunteers there was a sense of satisfaction from all working together to preserve and protect our biodiversity and rivers of Inishowen.