River Restoration Centre – Courses in Inishowen
The River Restoration Centre is a UK organisation based at Cranfield University. As part of the Inishowen River Guardians, the IRT have invited the RRC to Inishowen to deliver two courses to train our local community about understanding how rivers work and how to repair and restore eroded river banks.
The RRC will run two courses in August 2019.
- Introduction to Hydromorphology – Saturday 3rd August 2019 – Register here
- Bank Revetment & Erosion Control – Sunday 4th August 2019 – Register here
This training is suitable for anyone with a keen interest in rivers, landowners with rivers running through their property and anyone wishing to volunteer with the Trust. No previous experience or prior knowledge of these topics required.
About Introduction to Hydromorphology
Led by Dr. Marc Naura this practical one day overview course, featuring field-based demonstration on a nearby river, will introduce participants to hydromorphology. The course will cover aspects of geomorphology and hydrology, and will enable improved outcome in the related field of river restoration, green infrastructure for bank protection, ecology and natural flood management (NFM). The course is open to all practitioners with an interest in hydromorphology and river restoration.
Key learning outcomes
- Understand the drivers behind geomorphological and hydrological processes and features, and the way these vary along the length of a river.
- Recognise common channel modifications and artificial features, and learn how these impact river form and habitat quality.
- Identify potential actions to restore natural functioning of modified rivers and improve habitat diversity.
- Apply hydromorphological knowledge to assessing the potential for working with rivers and natural processes (e.g. NFM, green infrastructure and habitat management) to allow for stronger decision making in these areas.
About Bank Revetment & Erosion Control
Led by Dr. Marc Naura & Hamish Moir this practical one-day course will introduce participants to erosion control measures. It will feature presentations on erosion and deposition across river types, methods for preventing channel and bank erosion, practical examples of methods and strategy for managing river banks and bed, and some field work. The course will be run with the RRC along with a consultant specialized in bank and channel management who will present case study work.
Key learning outcomes
- Understand the drivers and mechanisms leading to the presence of erosion and deposition.
- Ability to identify erosion drivers in the field.
- Develop management solutions adapted to river type, energy levels, bank structure and vegetation.
- Develop an understanding of green and hard engineering methods and where and how to apply them.
For more information please contact: Trish Murphy, [email protected] or 087 647 8183. This course is part of the Inishowen River Guardians Training Programme funded through the EU Leader Programme.