Aidan Assal and Ailise Fitzpatrick-Evans getting instructions on tree planting from Carlene Lyttle.
Recently the IRT were invited to join Green Sod Ireland as they begin their journey to restore a plot of ground at Meenletterbale near Kinnagoe Bay. The Long Glen River runs into the bay and in times past a wooded corridor of hazel bordered the river, some of which still remains near the bay.

A group of volunteers, accompanied by members of Green Sod Ireland and Inishowen Rivers Trust ventured out on a lovely sunny day at the beginning of the March to plant trees in the riparian zone (along the riverbank) and learn more about the river itself.
A special thank you to Aidan Assal and Ailise Fitzpatrick-Evans both 8 year’s old, who gave up their day to help plant trees. They entertained everyone with tales of their grand adventures and impressed everyone with their hard work. Maith thu and go raibh mile maith agaibh.

If you would like to learn more about Green Sod Ireland check out their website https://greensodireland.ie/ or if you would like to volunteer with Inishowen Rivers Trust, in the Inishowen area please email [email protected] or call Liz on 083 8081761 for more information.
To all of our volunteers, Thank you, we could not do it without you.