Farmer resources

On the Ground – Natural Flood Management – Inishowen

Delivering a natural flood management project to the Clonmany catchment in Inishowen, Co. Donegal. Meet Mark Davenport and Philip Duffy, McCloy Consulting, as they look at different areas of the catchment on this project brought to the area by Inishowen Rivers Trust. Filmed by Macruarí Audio & Film Services on location in Clonmany, Inishowen, Co. Donegal, including original music by Ella McGrory. This project was funded through the EU LEADER Programme 2014-2020 European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas with additional support from the OPW, LAWPRO and Donegal County Council.
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Building Leaky Dams in Inishowen, Co. Donegal

A short clip from the Inishowen Rivers Trust project 'On the Ground' showing the construction of a leaky dam in Clonmany, Inishowen, Co. Donegal. Works contractor and forester on the project, Ross Buchanan, explains the construction process and how leaky dams work. This project was funded through the EU LEADER Programme 2014-2020 European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas with additional support from the OPW, LAWPRO and Donegal County Council.
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Woody Material in Rivers

Woody material is a vital component of healthy rivers. Listen to Gareth Pedley from the Wild Trout Trust as he explains how wood and tree trunks that rest in the river provide habitat and food for fish and invertebrates as well as bank protection. The material also helps regulate sediment transport. Large woody material can be fixed in place so there is little risk of it washing away in a flood and trees can be hinged into place, a technique often used by organisations like the Wild Trout Trust. Trees planted along a riverbank also provide shade for fish in hot conditions when water temperatures can get dangerously high for fish.
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Water Chemistry in Rivers 5: Nitrates and Phosphates

Join LAWPRO catchment scientist Aisling Reilly and Inishowen Rivers Trust Project Officer Trish Murphy as they discuss different aspects of water chemistry on the rivers of Inishowen. In this fifth installment we revisit nitrates and phosphates but this time in a slow moving river beside pasture. Funded by Rethink Ireland.
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Water Chemistry in Rivers 4: Nitrates & Phosphates

Join LAWPRO catchment scientist Aisling Reilly and Inishowen Rivers Trust Project Officer Trish Murphy as they discuss different aspects of water chemistry on the rivers of Inishowen. In this fourth installment we look at a river with a sewage discharge and test for nitrates and phosphates using field test kits. Funded by Rethink Ireland.
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Water Chemistry in Rivers 3: pH and Conductivity

Join LAWPRO catchment scientist Aisling Reilly and Inishowen Rivers Trust Project Officer Trish Murphy as they discuss different aspects of water chemistry on the rivers of Inishowen. In this third installment we look at pH and why it might fluctuate in a river and what conductivity can tell us. Funded by Rethink Ireland.
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Water Chemistry in Rivers 2: Sedimentation

Join LAWPRO catchment scientist Aisling Reilly and Inishowen Rivers Trust Project Officer Trish Murphy as they discuss different aspects of water chemistry on the rivers of Inishowen. In this second installment we discuss sediment, how it gets into rivers and how it impacts on water quality. Funded by Rethink Ireland.
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Water Chemistry in Rivers 1: Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen

Join LAWPRO catchment scientist Aisling Reilly and Inishowen Rivers Trust Project Officer Trish Murphy as they discuss different aspects of water chemistry on the rivers of Inishowen. In this first installment we measure dissolved oxygen and temperature in an Inishowen river and discuss the significance of the results. Funded by Rethink Ireland.
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Silt trap for woodlands

Wetlands expert Féidhlim Harty (FH Wetlands Ltd) visits Inishowen, Co. Donegal to advise on nature based solutions for farms, ponds and forests. In this video Féidhlim visits a recently felled plantation that has been replanted with native woodland. Local forester Ross Buchanan chats to Féidhlim and describes how a pond was installed to trap silt from the old plantation and run off from the fields nearby.
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Leaky Dams Clonmany, Inishowen

Wetlands expert Féidhlim Harty (FH Wetlands Ltd) visits Inishowen, Co. Donegal to advise on nature based solutions for farms, ponds and forests. In this video Féidhlim visits the Inishowen Rivers Trust natural flood management project in Clonmany to see the newly installed leaky dams. These dams aim to slow the flow of water through the Ballyhallan River catchment and form part of a network of dams on streams and drains. Féidhlim explains how the dams work.
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